Thursday, October 22, 2015

Opportunity and Leaps of Faith

Hey awesome readers of the internet! It has been a while since I've last posted an entry to this blog. My apologies for not keeping this thing as updated as I do my YT channel. I am doing my best to think of topics to expand on here. The problem is that when I do I am waaay too tired to sit down and type. LOL

But now focusing on the topic of this post. Lately I have been very fortunate this month of October. I have been blessed with the opportunity to promote my works as an artist, musician, and advocate. I by no means wish to "brag" about what I have been doing or will do... It's just that I don't know how to feel about people asking me, telling me that they want me to be part of what they are working on.
First of all if you have watched my recent video (link for your convenience) you will know of the things I did this past weekend in Phoenix. That is just the first thing that happened this month. I was also contacted a month ago to perform at a banquet event honoring our Veterans of Southern Arizona. This will be my first performance in over half a year. And the cherry on the top (of which I am only disclosing very little detail) has been that I was recently contacted by ***** ***** from ******* and now I am planning a weekend trip to ********** next month for a video project!This person sent me a message last week and I honestly was shocked and in disbelief that he had sent me such an email. It wasn't until we had talked over a Skype call that it felt actually real. :)
I have not felt this good about myself in quite some time. Although I am not the type of person to feel BAD about myself, receiving these opportunities and having these doors open up for me in the world of what I love to do, has made me feel more confident as a creator. I never expected my art, music, or YouTube content to really draw that much attention. The only goal I have through my work is awareness of diversity and sharing what I have learned from my experiences.

This has also caused me to do some thinking about my future and how serious I should start taking myself as an artist and YouTuber. I have always known that I have had a passion to create things and to teach others as well as connect with others. My current position of employment is also an achievement that I am proud to have accomplished at such a young age. But on the other hand, working in this profession has made me reconsider my advancements in pursuing a higher degree. I love my job and the people I am privileged to work with.  But this is also something that I know I do NOT want to continue doing for long....
Right now my feelings are of high hopes. Hope for my future as an artist, activist, musician, creator, collaborator..... My feelings also lay in uncertainty. I don't know which moves would be the "smart" ones, however I DO know what I would like to accomplish. The journey toward my goals and satisfactions is what is the unknown keeping my mind at a crossroads.
The best I can do now is take my leaps of faith, hoping that I land somewhere stable and happy. I am truly thankful to each and every one of my supporters. And if you are one of those people reading this, I will take this moment to tell you that you are appreciated. Please say hello to me and introduce yourself. I don't like to concept of "fans", I love the notion of friendship. I don't wish to just have you learn and hear what I have to say, I wish to also learn from YOU and listen to YOUR story!

Thanks for reading,